November not only features America’s favorite family dinner holiday, Thanksgiving, but it’s also American Diabetes Month. Sponsored by the American Diabetes Association, the month-long program focuses the nation’s attention on the issues surrounding diabetes and the people affected by the disease. According to the Association, nearly 26 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes. Recent estimates project that as many as one in three American adults will have diabetes in 2050. Fortunately,
Scramblers, I know this time of year can be full of highs and lows: • The excitement of celebrating with family, eating an abundance of delicious food and sharing our traditions with our children. • And the stress of hosting the meal and/or entertaining visiting relatives, trying to decide on the perfect Thanksgiving recipes or side dish to contribute to a buffet or battling traffic to travel to the feast. In fact, sometimes I wonder why we
Working on budgeting for your family? Do your grocery bills leave you stunned? Learn what Americans’ monthly food spending looks like and how your family compares. A Question on Monthly Grocery Bills Hi Jessica, My husband and I are astounded at the amount of money we spend on food, sometimes as much as $1,300 per month at the grocery store (but that includes non-food items I buy). Do you have a sense of monthly food
You may think of me as a healthy eater, but I love me some candy. There have been few Halloweens where I haven’t overindulged beyond reason on sticky, chewy, chocolaty sweets. My particular weaknesses are candy corn, Snickers, Milky Ways, Three Musketeers and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, but I’m a fool for almost anything sugary that comes in a fun-size package. And there was at least one Halloween I remember when our son Solomon ate
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