Do You Ask For a Doggie Bag? An Easy Way to Reduce Food Waste Have you ever been in this situation? You’re out at a great restaurant with friends and you’re sharing a bunch of small plates. You ordered too much food and there’s still about half a portion of that delectable cauliflower with peas that you were just too full to finish. There are also a few slices of that chicken that would go
Sydney (doing something else she enjoys when she’s not cooking) Dear Jessica, My name is Sydney, I am 13 years old. I love to cook, and I have been following your recipes to make dinner for my family using your weekly meal plans, and we all love it! I have recently attempted cooking meals ahead of time (on Sunday). It has worked really well for my family so far, but I’m concerned about how far
Note: This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through these links, your cost will be the same but The Scramble will receive a small commission. I only link to products I personally use, trust, and love. If you want to learn more, please check out my disclosure page. Thanks for your support!Looking for healthy pasta alternatives? Like most kids, our children have always enjoyed pasta. Whether it was Rigatoni with Tomato and
The other night I went to a lovely cocktail party. While I was there started thinking about how when we go to parties, which are more frequent during the holiday season, it’s good to have not only some strategies for how to avoid overeating at holiday parties, but also ideas for what foods we should gravitate toward if we are trying not to gain weight or raise our blood pressure or cholesterol levels during the
Halloween is such a fun yet hectic time. Cook this spooktacular recipe in advance or use your slow cooker to fill your goblins’ tummies with a delicious, nutritious fun meal. Our photographer Linda Wolpert whipped up these adorable mashed potato ghosts which you can serve on top of my Hearty Beef Stew for a Halloween-themed dinner before or after your children romp around on a chilly autumn night. Feel free to substitute other root vegetables