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sweet potato and apple soup
The Benefits of SoupIs there anything more comforting and nourishing than soup? As the days get shorter, the nights colder, and the risk of sniffles more pronounced, I find that I am drawn to making big batches of soup.There is something so soothing about sitting down to a steaming bowl after a day of cold weather. And no matter how high end the store-bought stuff is, I always think the homemade versions taste better.I also
what to do when your kid won't eat what you cooked
Has this ever happened to you? You prepare a delicious, healthy meal and your kid takes one bite (or even just a look), clenches their jaw tight, and won’t eat what you cooked. Sound familiar? It’s enough to stress out anyone (not to mention destroy your enjoyment of cooking for your family)! So, I wanted to share ideas on what to do when your kid refuses dinner. Table Of Contents What to Do When Your
people eating
I recently had the amazing opportunity to go to the new National Museum of African American History and Culture with my son’s 3rd and 4th grade class. It was a powerful experience in many ways and brought many emotions to the surface for all of us—sadness, pain, anger, joy, and hope. After touring the museum, the whole group met in the cafeteria for lunch and as we sat there discussing what we had seen and
Healthy School Lunch Ideas
As much as I don’t want to admit it, the summer is rapidly coming to an end. For many of us, this means a return to “real life” and regular routines. It is also a time that many of us choose to focus on getting back into good habits after summertime indulgences. One of the best ways that you can help yourself get back on track is by packing lunch, whether it is for school
  I am THRILLED to announce that, after an intense selection process, The Six O’Clock Scramble has a new CEO, Jessica Braider! See below for more info about the fabulous Jessica and why she’s such a perfect fit for The Scramble and you!   THE SCRAMBLE’S BACK STORY I did something CRAZY in 2003. After a thriving career in media relations, I had become a cookbook author and stay-at-home mom of two kids, ages 4

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