It’s something that we parents never want to think about or imagine. The idea that the food we give our children could hurt them is terrifying, and yet kids 4 years old and younger are at the highest risk of choking. This is because they have not fully mastered chewing and will sometimes try to swallow large pieces of food that their bodies can’t handle. This is a terrifying prospect and the impulse to avoid
Table Of Contents A Personal JourneyThe Power of Condiments: Helping Picky Eaters to Explore New FoodsA Miraculous TransformationEven More Unexpected Benefits of Using CondimentsCondiments Suggestions by Cuisine TypeMediterranean/Italian FoodNorthern European & British FoodAsian FoodIndian FoodLatin American Food A Personal JourneyBetween the ages of 18-months and 6-years my son was incredibly picky. There were pretty much no vegetables he was willing to eat outside of raw carrots, he wouldn’t eat many kinds of fruit, he was
The other night I had a plan for dinner. It was a good plan and I knew all the guys in my house would be excited about it since it involved red meat, which we don’t eat very often. And then I unwrapped the meat. I had bought just it a few days before and it was still within its “sell by” date, but it was bad. Really bad. The color was off, the smell
The other night at dinner my 8-year-old, who was a picky eater for many years, said, out of the blue, “Do you remember when I used to be picky? I’m so glad I’m not anymore.” We then talked about how much things have changed and memories he had from dinners when he was younger. It was a wonderful moment because it showed how much his identity as an eater has changed. As we talked, it
2018 has been a whirlwind, hasn’t it? So many fast-moving news stories, schedules that never seem to stop, and kids growing before our eyes. As we enter 2019, it can be tempting to come up with a long list of resolutions or goals that will make life better: get healthier, get organized, spend more time with family, get finances under control, the list goes on and on. I don’t know about you, but that growing