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How to Cook with Peanut Butter
Peanut butter isn’t only for sandwiches and apple slices! In this article we share tips on how to cook with peanut butter and some recipes to get you started. Peanut butter has kind of a bad reputation – many people see it as a high-fat, kid food (crustless PB&Js, anyone?). In my opinion, though, that’s not a fair assessment. There are a lot of nutritional, financial, and practical benefits to peanut butter that shouldn’t be
How to Change Dynamic at the Dinner Table
Family meals can be hard. So in an effort to help your family find its own mealtime equilibrium, I have put together some different ideas that may help you to change the dynamic at the dinner table.How to Change the Dynamic at the Dinner TableWe all know that family meals are important for a vast array of reasons from helping your kids establish healthier eating habits to decreasing the risk of teenage pregnancy and drug
Family Dinner
The Scramble’s answer to the question, “what is family dinner?” may surprise you and offer relief. If you were to ask 100 people the question: what is family dinner. Everyone would have an answer and a clear vision of what a family meal looks like. Not only that, but everyone would have an opinion on whether that image is attainable, pleasant, and necessary. And all of the answers given by those 100 people would be
Easy Holiday Recipes
Let the celebrations begin with these easy holiday party recipes that will please the crowds without too much effort or stress.It’s holiday party season. The time of year when we gather in one another’s houses to celebrate the season. Whether it is for the Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza, New Year’s, or just because it is cold outside, but you still want to see friends, there are parties a-plenty. Which means lots of delicious food!Whether
Chocolate Coconut Ginger Pomegranate Bark
 Looking for a gift that won’t collect dust? Check out these edible holiday gift ideas (and other goodies for food lovers or budding gastronomes).Note: This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through these links, your cost will be the same but The  Scramble will receive a small commission. I only link to products I personally use, trust, and love. If you want to learn more, please check out my disclosure page. Thanks

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