It’s no wonder that Friday nights are the most popular night for ordering takeout. After all, finding the motivation to cook dinner at the end of a long week can feel close to impossible. But ordering takeout every week may not fit into your financial or health goals, which may leave you feeling frustrated and lost. Not to worry! I’ve pulled together a collection of easy and fun Friday night (or, really, any night) dinner
Family dinners are a wonderful chance for emotional connection, hearing about each others’ days, discussing current events, enjoying nutritious meals, and also helping your kids to solidify concepts learned at school. Here are some great ways to create opportunities for fun and engaging learning at the dinner table.Note: This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through these links, your cost will be the same but The Scramble will receive a small commission.
Whether you’re just learning how to cook or are looking for ways boost your skills and improve your efficiency in the kitchen, faster chopping is one of the most effective ways that you can save time. But for some people, using a sharp knife is one of the most intimidating parts of the process, so I wanted to share information that will give you confidence, save you time, and keep you safer when it comes
Preparing for Back to School in the Strangest School Year About two weeks into my family’s journey with everyone being at home, I hit a wall with cooking. I had been making 3+ meals a day for our family of four, plus doing a lot of the clean up after them, and I was burnt out. Ironically, before the pandemic my husband had been in charge of weekday breakfasts and much of the meal cleanup,
The other day a friend shared a huge success with me: her 11-year-old had eaten and enjoyed salad for the first time. She was elated because this is a kid who not so long ago was only willing to eat two raw vegetables: carrots and cucumbers. When we discussed what she thought the change was due to, she chalked it up to the fact that they had joined a farm share and so now the