As our kids get older we sometimes let the focus on healthy lunches slip, but the truth is that they need lots of fuel to support those growing bodies and brains. Unfortunately, given their busy schedules and often distracted minds, sometimes they need a little support to make this happen. To help both you and them to navigate this tricky time, here are some healthy lunch ideas for teens and high school students.Note: This page
Each fall, during back-to-school season, I make it a priority to focus on getting our family dinner routine back on track. Whether you are in the midst of back-to-school craziness or just need a restart after getting off track, here are four tricks I use to establish a family dinner routine that works for my crew, including one that I’m pretty sure will surprise you… Table Of Contents 4 Tricks to Establishing a Family Dinner
Packing school lunches every day can feel like a real burden. To fight off the lunch-packing frustration, we’re sharing a list of our favorite tools for packing healthy school lunches. These will help to make getting those school lunches ready faster, easier, and more appealing for your kids.Note: This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through these links, your cost will be the same but The Scramble will receive a small commission.
Corn on the cob is one of those quintessential summer foods and there are few things more satisfying than sinking your teeth into that first, perfectly cooked, ear of corn of the season. There’s something magical about the burst of flavor and juice that erupts in your mouth as you bite into the kernels. But, let’s be honest, there are also few things more disappointing than biting into an ear of corn and it being
Family vacations can be magical and packed with life-long memories, but they can also be incredibly expensive. From airfare to lodging to transportation to tickets for memorable experiences, the costs mount quickly. After years of family vacations under my belt, both with larger family groups, with friends, and with just our nuclear family, I can say that I am a true believer in the value of cooking while on vacation. Table Of Contents Why Cooking