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How to Easily Feed a Crowd Without Ordering Pizza

Got a lot of people coming over that you’ll need to feed? Feeding a large group of people can feel quite intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be a cause for concern! With a little planning, you can host large groups without too much stress or strain. Here are some of my favorite easy and cost-effective ways to feed a crowd without ordering pizza!

family dinner

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Before kids, meeting out at bars and restaurants or hosting dinner parties were the ways that my husband and I most often socialized and we loved it. When kids came along, however, something changed: somehow meeting friends at a restaurant with toddlers in tow just wasn’t as relaxing. Similarly, intricately planned three or four course meals that I cooked over a day or two just weren’t realistic. So, we made a shift—we started hosting family gatherings at our house.

These informal get-togethers were meant to give kids the space to run around and parents the time to actually catch up. But as the kids have gotten older this has also come to mean cooking for 15, 16, or even 20 people, which then begs the question: what do you cook if you have to feed a crowd but don’t want to order pizza?

After years of trial and error, great successes, and some stressful failures, I have learned a great deal about how to make feeding a large group of people as simple as possible. Read on to discover what I’ve learned, some tricks to make the planning and execution easier, and a collection of recipes that have worked well for me over the years, so that you too can feed a crowd without ordering pizza.

feeding a crowd

Tips on How to Feed a Crowd

For me, when I’m planning out how to feed a crowd of people I have two priorities: 1) keep it simple, and 2) stay within budget.

Keep It Simple

I love feeding people and I love feeding them well. So I tend to want to go big and memorable when it comes to hosting. But after a number of times making extravagant meals for large groups and being both exhausted by it and dismayed when my over-the-top meals met with reluctant small-person audiences, I was reminded of advice my husband and I received when we were planning our wedding: at big parties, guests will only remember the food if it’s really terrible, so serve solid good food and you’ll be fine!

Ever since that breakthrough moment, whenever I need to feed a crowd I have opted to make one big main dish and then accompany it with various sides or toppings so that everyone can make the meal their own, even the picky ones.

How to Feed a Crowd for Cheap

Let’s be honest, when you’re feeding a lot of people, the food costs can get pretty overwhelming very quickly. Here are some ways to try to feed a crowd on a small budget:

  • Go vegetarian. Not only is it usually cheaper to skip the meat, but you also can make just one meal that will include vegetarians and meat-eaters alike, which makes your life easier.
  • Grains are your friend. Hearty and easy to make in bulk. They will fill bellies without breaking the bank.
  • Legumes for the win. Beans, beans, beans! They provide great protein, are very filling, and are SUPER cheap.
  • Don’t make meat the main event. Don’t want to go vegetarian? Instead of serving meat as the main offering, consider using it to add flavor to your meal. Examples include, a stew with more vegetables than meat, a pasta sauce or casserole that uses half the called for amount of meat, chili where you’ve got beans to cut the amount of meat needed, etc.
  • Use cheaper cuts of meat. If you want meat to be the main event, consider a cheaper cut of meat that you can prepare ahead of time. Cheaper meats tend to need low and slow cooking to make the most of them, so pull out your slow cooker or get started the night before.
Getting Help When Feeding a Crowd

Get Help

Let’s be honest, though, even when you keep the meal simple and the budget in check, hosting a large group of people is still a lot of work. So I strongly encourage you to get help when you’re trying to feed a crowd. Here are some ways you can get help:

Let People Bring Dishes

You know the standard question you always get asked, “what can I bring?” Have an answer!

Ask someone to bring a salad, another to bring a dessert, and another to bring a tasty appetizer. Then, all you’re responsible for is a main dish and maybe some sides.

Or, if you are reluctant to share what you need (I know, asking for help can be hard), the other option is to make the event a potluck and let people just bring what they want. Sure you may end up with more cookies than you need, but at least there will be plenty of food for folks to enjoy.

Everyone Pitches In

As you are getting ready for your visitors, ask your family for help. Here are ways they can do that:

  • Meal prep– from washing lettuce to measuring ingredients to making a dish on their own, there are lots of ways your family can help with the cooking.
  • Cleaning the house– vacuuming, dusting, cleaning bathrooms, and picking up toys are all ways your family can take some of the load off of your shoulders.
  • Set up– setting up tables and chairs, putting out plates and utensils, filling water pitchers, are all great options for helpers.
  • Setting up outside– if you’re hosting outdoors, your family can help by mowing the lawn, putting away toys, and setting up tables and chairs.

Consider Disposables

For years I insisted on only using real plates, glasses, and utensils, and for groups up to 15 or so, I still do that. But when we host a large group, I now have learned that it is wise to opt for disposable plates, cups, utensils, and napkins. It reduces the dirty dish piles in the kitchen and makes clean up so much easier. To help to mitigate the environmental impact, I like to use compostable options.

Black Bean and Corn Salad

Recipes to Feed a Crowd

Now that I’ve shared some tricks and tips for how to keep it simple, save money, and get help, I wanted to also share some ideas of what to feed a crowd.

As I mentioned before, I like to serve one simple main dish and then accompany with toppings or sides so that people can personalize the meal to fit their needs and desires. For the main dish there are three categories of food that I turn to when I am planning on feeding an army:

  • beans/legumes
  • casseroles
  • soups or stews

These are all fantastic options because they can be easily made in bulk and relatively inexpensive. Here are some of my favorites that fit into each category:

Beans or Legumes

Beans or legumes are a great option when you need to feed a crowd because they are cheap, filling, health, and vegetarian-friendly. Another nice perk of beans and legumes is that they are great to prepare ahead of time, so that you can be relaxed as you entertain, rather than stuck in the kitchen scrambling to get the meal ready.

Brazilian Style Power Bowls

Brazilian-Style Power Bowls: Prepare the components and let everyone build their own bowl.

Red beans and Rice Burritos

Red Beans and Rice Burritos: Make the fillings for burritos and then let everyone fill and wrap their own.

Lentil Stew with Honey Ginger Yogurt

Lentil Stew with Honey Ginger Yogurt: A big batch of this will fill hungry stomachs. Serve some yogurt plain, just in case there are any guests who might be overwhelmed by a flavored yogurt.


Casseroles are a great, easy way to feed a crowd because they can be made ahead of time and then just thrown in the oven on the day of the event. They also tend to be flexible in terms of being vegetarian or carnivore-friendly.

Fiesta Casserole with Cheddar Cornbread Crust

Fiesta Casserole with Cheddar Cornbread Crust: Serve this crowd-pleaser with a big salad on the side or extra veggies, grated cheese, and salsa to use as toppings.

Baked Pesto Penne with Italian Sausage

Baked Pesto Penne with Italian Sausage: This dish always gets raves and is simple to make vegetarian by either using meatless sausage or mixing in some sautéed mushrooms for a meaty texture. Serve it with a green salad and you are done!

Soups or Stews

Soups and stews are fantastic when you need to feed a crowd because they can easily be made ahead of time and will actually even benefit from sitting for a day, as it will allow the flavors to meld even more fully.

Classic Gazpacho with Diced Avocado (Cold Vegetable Soup)

Classic Gazpacho with Diced Avocado (Cold Vegetable Soup): This summer classic can be made ahead of time and pulled out of the fridge whenever people are ready to eat. Serve it with crusty bread and some cheese and everyone will be happy!

Soup-er Easy Black Bean and Corn Soup

Soup-er Easy Black Bean and Corn Soup: As the name implies, this simple-to-make soup is a great one to prepare either ahead of time or at the last minute. Serve it with tortilla chips and guacamole and salsa, or even nachos.

Tuscan Farro, Vegetable, and White Bean Soup

Tuscan Farro, Vegetable, and White Bean Stew: Make this one ahead of time, but keep the farro separate until serving so that it doesn’t soak up all the liquid. Everyone will love the creamy texture paired with the chewy farro. Serve it with a big green salad and savory muffins or a crusty bread.

Mediterranean Rice

Side Dishes to Feed a Crowd

Once you’ve picked out your main dish, you can also choose to add a side dish or two to fill out the meal. Some of the easiest options include sliced vegetables and/or fruit, a green salad, or steamed rice, but if you want to add something a bit more dynamic to the table, here are some fun ideas:

Mediterranean Rice: a smidge fancier than regular steamed rice, but with almost no extra effort. (And if you want other seasoned rice ideas, check out this post with 16 easy options!)

Black Bean and Corn Salad: As noted above, beans are a great, cheap protein source, so this salad can add heft to your offerings. Plus, it’s packed with flavor and super simple to make.

Cilantro-Lime Corn: Take your fresh or frozen corn up a notch with this simple spin!

White Bean and Red Onion Salad: Another great bean salad option. This one has a slightly lighter flavor profile, but is still packed with protein!

Sweet Whole Wheat Cornbread: This whole wheat cornbread is absolutely delicious and can be made in a cast-iron skillet or as muffins for even easier serving to a large group!

Homemade Ranch Dressing: An all-time Scramble favorite! Folks love this dressing as a dip for chopped up vegetables or you can thin it out a bit and use it as a dressing on a green salad!

chocolate raspberry sorbet

Desserts to Feed a Crowd

Chocolate Raspberry Sorbet or Mango Sherbet with Ginger and Lime: Both of these luscious, delicious cold treats are whipped up in the blender. What could be easier than that?!

Peach or Blueberry Crumble: This is summer classic can be made with fresh or frozen berries and is always a crowd-pleaser. Serve it on its own or with ice cream!

Dark Chocolate Bark: One of the best things about chocolate bark is that it is super flexible – you can change up the mix-ins depending on what you have! Plus, it can be made ahead of time and stored in the fridge or freezer until you are ready to serve.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars: Peanut butter + chocolate = always a great combination.

Like these recipes? Check out The Scramble’s family-friendly meal plans to see just how simple getting dinner on the table can be!

Need more hosting inspiration, check out my post on how I overcame my fear of entertaining.

Do you have favorite dishes you use to feed a crowd? I’d love to hear about them in the comments.

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