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Coaching for Women in Midlife

Jessica Braider Midlife Coach at The Scramble

Coaching for Women in Midlife

Coaching for Women in Midlife

As women, our lives are complex, sometimes hard, and often beautiful. And while many coaches offer support on specific solutions to specific problems, I believe we can’t separate the practical from the emotional or the physical. Using my various sources of experience, knowledge, and training, I am able to embolden your whole self, rather than focusing on one facet of your life. I will help you not only tackle whatever challenges you may be facing (from parenting, to relationship shifts, to aging parents, to career changes, to evolving bodies) but to find solutions and growth that fit your life as it truly is.

What’s it like working with me?

I am like your grounded, supportive, sometimes bossy, best friend. I listen deeply, empathize fully, and help you to cut through the paralysis that can so often come when we are either overwhelmed with life or just bombarded by all of the advice and information that comes at us from every direction. I’ll help you to prioritize, clarify, and come up with practical solutions to life’s challenges. Sometimes the work is in finding the answers for yourself and sometimes you need a little nudge – I’m by your side through all of it. Like reading a recipe, I’ll help you see the steps you need to take so that you can make the most of the ingredients that make up your life. Like a hike, I’ll show you the path, lay out the signposts, and make sure you reach the peak. 


My philosophy and approach

Let’s face it: life is a scramble. The to-do lists, obligations, information, and expectations coming at us from all sides can feel pretty overwhelming. As women, we are socialized to be caretakers. We are raised to put others’ needs before our own. In some ways, this is a true gift. It makes us emotionally attuned, compassionate, flexible, super efficient, and really effective jugglers of all of the things.

But it also means that we tend to put ourselves on the back burner – for instance, we women are much more likely to shell out cash to pay for a service or course or experience for our kids, our partners, even our friends, than we are for ourselves. And that’s after we have been overwhelmed with messages about the importance of self-care!! 

Furthermore, as we navigate adulthood, we are overwhelmed by information and pressured to do everything the “right” way – from parenting to career to eating to exercise to relationships. Not only does it impose intense pressure, but making sense of all of the different approaches and philosophies can, in and of itself, be a full-time job. So it is no surprise that we often throw up our hands and just try to limp along as best as we can. 

But the truth is that we have a choice. We can navigate the craziness with the resentment, frustration, and fear that naturally arises, or we can use those emotions to step into our strength and do it our own way. 

You are likely asking yourself: But how do I do that? How do I balance the expectations that bombard me from every side (work, family, community) with my own needs? How do I make space to “put on that oxygen mask?” How do I find the ability to prioritize some of my own needs, while also making space for the pulls on me that come from so many directions? 

I believe that once we acknowledge these tensions and pressures, we can reframe the questions and ask: What if we could do it differently? What if there was a judgment-free approach to finding balance, choosing priorities, and making sense of the challenges that we face from raising humans to determining our career goals to navigating midlife so that we could move forward with purpose and confidence? 

I would be honored to be your guide as you embark upon this journey. 

accepting help

Coaching Package Options

The first step in your coaching journey with me is a FREE 30-minute discovery session where you’ll share the challenges you’re currently facing and we’ll dig into what it is you really want to change. At the end of that session, we’ll discuss next steps and the various ways I can support you in your midlife journey. You’ll also come away with 1-2 ideas to try in the next week, so that you leave with a real sense of purpose and hope.

In order to meet each individual woman where she is at, I have developed three different levels of support (click on each title to expand the description):

Tier 1: Trailhead

A focused, short-term program designed to kick-start your journey toward building a midlife and beyond that is both true to yourself and practical. Using actual challenges you are currently facing, I’ll provide you with tools and approaches so that you are emboldened to navigate whatever obstacles appear on your life’s path.

Who this is great for: 

  • Women who are just starting their midlife journey and want to prepare themselves
  • Women who have one concrete challenge they want to work on
  • Women who like to get some support and then run with it! 

What’s included:

  • 1 x 90-minute intake where we dig deep and determine goals
  • 4 x 50-minute one-on-one sessions
  • Email support between sessions. 
  • 1-2 months

Expected Outcomes:

  • A sense of clarity and independence
  • Identification of key challenges and opportunities
  • An action plan that you have already started implementing, with a clear path forward

Cost: $825 (paid in 5 installments or get a 10% discount if paid up front)

Tier 2: Treeline

A comprehensive program designed to dig deeper and tackle the midlife challenges that are proving to be stumbling blocks for you. Together, we will build a personalized approach to navigate this stage of life that not only feels manageable, but authentic and empowered, so that you can reach great heights. 

Who this is great for:

  • Women who know that something has got to change, but aren’t sure of the next steps
  • Women who are feeling overwhelmed by juggling all of the things
  • Women who are struggling in 1-2 areas of their life and need support getting their sh*t together

What’s included:

  • 1 x 90-minute intake where we dig deep and determine goals
  • 7 x 50-minute one-on-one sessions
  • Email support between sessions.
  • 3-4 months

Expected outcomes: 

  • Clarity on values and direction
  • In-depth analysis of the 1-2 challenges you identify
  • Development and implementation of concrete solutions that feel authentic and realistic, given your life situation
  • Measurable shifts in your outlook and daily reality

Cost: $1,275 (paid in 8 installments or get a 10% discount if paid up front)

Tier 3: Summit

An intensive, long-term option for when you don’t just want to explore the changes that are possible, but truly integrate them into all aspects of your life in ways that are practical, authentic, and joyful, so that you can successfully summit any mountain you may face in life. 

Who this is great for: 

  • Women who feel like they are at the end of their rope in multiple areas of their lives
  • Women who crave real, lasting change
  • Women who are ready to burn this sh*t to the ground, but know there’s got to be a better answer

What’s included:

  • 1 x 90-minute intake where we dig deep and determine goals
  • 12 x 50-minute one-on-one sessions
  • Email support between sessions.
  • 3-6 months

Expected outcomes: 

  • A huge sense of relief
  • Development and implementation of major shifts in at least 2-3 areas of your life
  • A comprehensive and real shift in the way your daily life plays out
  • A significant improvement in your outlook, not only on your day-to-day lived experience, but also your future
  • Long-term vision and a plan for growth

Cost: $2,025 (paid in 13 installments or get a 10% discount if paid up front)

Want to learn more about my philosophy when it comes to coaching women in midlife? Check out my advice column!

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